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Class XmlCharRef

Represents an XML character reference.

An XML character reference is structured as follows, where {dec} is the decimal representation code point corresponding to a particular Unicode character:


The corresponding hexadecimal version is structured as follows, where {hex} is the hexadecimal representation code point corresponding to a particular Unicode character:


Unicode characters outside of the Basic Multilingual Plane are represented using a surrogate pair consisting of two character references.

The {dec} and {hex} values are defined by the char and hex properties of this node; the former is the character to be represented while the latter indicates whether the decimal or hexadecimal representation should be used.

XmlCharRef nodes cannot have any children.





  • new XmlCharRef(char: string, hex?: boolean): XmlCharRef
  • Initializes a new instance of the XmlCharRef class.


    • char: string

      The character to represent using the reference.

    • Default value hex: boolean = false

      Whether to use the hexadecimal or decimal representation for the reference. If left undefined, decimal is the default.

    Returns XmlCharRef


Private _char

_char: string

Protected _children

_children: XmlNode[]

Private _hex

_hex: boolean



  • get char(): string
  • set char(char: string): void
  • Gets the character to represent using the reference.

    Returns string

    The character to represent using the reference.

  • Sets the character to represent using the reference.


    • char: string

      The character to represent using the reference.

    Returns void

    The character to represent using the reference.


  • get hex(): boolean
  • set hex(hex: boolean): void
  • Gets whether or not to use the hexadecimal or decimal representation for the reference.

    Returns boolean

    Whether or not to use the hexadecimal or decimal representation for the reference.

  • Sets whether or not to use the hexadecimal or decimal representation for the reference.


    • hex: boolean

      Whether or not to use the hexadecimal or decimal representation for the reference.

    Returns void

    Whether or not to use the hexadecimal or decimal representation for the reference.


  • get parent(): XmlNode | undefined
  • Gets the parent of this node.

    Returns XmlNode | undefined

    The parent of this node.



  • Throws an exception since XmlCharRef nodes cannot have any children.

    Returns XmlNode[]

    This method does not return.


  • Throws an exception since XmlCharRef nodes cannot have any children.


    • node: XmlNode

      This parameter is unused.

    • Optional index: number

      This parameter is unused.

    Returns XmlNode | undefined

    This method does not return.


  • Gets the node that follows this one, or undefined if no such node exists or if this node has no parent.

    Returns XmlNode | undefined

    The node that follows this one, or undefined if no such node exists or if this node has no parent.


  • Gets the node that is previous to this one, or undefined if no such node exists or if this node has no parent.

    Returns XmlNode | undefined

    The node that is previous to this one, or undefined if no such node exists or if this node has no parent.


  • Removes this node from its parent if this node has a parent.

    Returns XmlNode | undefined

    This node's parent, or undefined if it has no parent.


  • removeChild(node: XmlNode): boolean
  • Throws an exception since XmlCharRef nodes cannot have any children.


    • node: XmlNode

      This parameter is unused.

    Returns boolean

    This method does not return.


  • removeChildAtIndex(index: number): XmlNode
  • Throws an exception since XmlCharRef nodes cannot have any children.


    • index: number

      This parameter is unused.

    Returns XmlNode

    This method does not return.


  • Returns an XML string representation of this node.


    • Default value options: IStringOptions = {}

      Formatting options for the string representation.

    Returns string

    An XML string representation of this node.


  • Returns the root node of the current hierarchy. If this node has no parent, this node itself is returned.

    Returns XmlNode

    The root node of the current hierarchy.


  • Gets the parent of this node.

    Returns XmlNode | undefined

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