I am a software architect at Solace, a high-tech startup specializing in enterprise message and event broker software. I am self-driven and passionate about what I do, with 7 years of experience developing a Linux high-performance multi-threaded application using C++, as well as an internal Python framework for data processing and code generation. I received a national Schulich Leader Scholarship to attend McGill University where I earned a bachelor of computer engineering, graduating with distinction.
In my spare time, I enjoy working on personal programming projects. Take a look at my GitHub profile or check out:
- VoIP.ms SMS: popular Android messaging app that has become the de facto SMS app for the VoIP.ms platform
- js2xmlparser: popular Node.js module for parsing JavaScript objects into XML; downloaded 200 million times
- xmlcreate: Node.js module for building XML using a simple API; used to implement js2xmlparser
If you'd like to contact me, please send me an email at michael [at] kourlas [dot] com.